Ashville Viking Festival in Ohio

Searching for local festivals to attend in Ohio this year, I added the Ashville Viking Festival to my list.  I mean, who doesn’t want to watch grown men joust and eat turkey legs for the afternoon?

Nearly an hour’s drive from Columbus, I arrived in the afternoon, just in time for a joust.  Mesmerized by the costumes and incredibly large horses, I watched two men prepare to battle it out in their suits of armor and shields.

With the help of step stools, they mounted their horses and made their way to opposite ends of a long fence until given the signal to begin.  A loud whistle sounded and their horses rushed towards each other as the men positioned their jousts using their shields for protection.

As each rider approached each other, there was a loud sound as their jousts made contact with one another’s shields.  Luckily, they managed to stay on their horses reaching the opposite end of the fence.  They continued on with their duel for a few more runs and were ready to dismount and remove their armor.  I was happy to see that no one was hurt and went in search for lunch.

Several tents were set up with medieval merchandise and various food stalls as well.  From costumes for adults and children to commemorative items, it was the children that were having the most fun dressing up as knights.

The craftsmanship of the costumes was absolutely beautiful. With clothing made from leather and chains to t-shirts and kirtles and gowns, the items were exquisitely designed. Since shopping works up my appetite, it was time to go in search of lunch and with a cafeteria around the corner, I was looking forward to looking over the menu.

Luckily, I needn’t look much further for the turkey leg I had been craving since my arrival. Bon Appetit!

Have you visited the Ashville Viking Festival?  What was your experience?  I would love to hear about your visit if you would kindly leave a message in the comments section below. Many thanks for reading about my afternoon at one of Ohio’s many festivals and wishing you many Happy Travels!

You can find more information about the Ashville Viking Festival by contacting their website at

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